Monday, December 03, 2007

... it's the Ultimate Big Tent...

Being with Jesus means that there are all sorts of people in this tent called His Church.

I've gone on and on lately about what I believe to be the best political approach. And I absolutely believe those things.

But beneath all that, above all that, is the truth that Jesus saves all types of people, and I'd darn well better not reject them. All I have to do is remember Peter's experience.

Just before Peter was asked to bring the truth of Jesus to a fully Gentile household, God gave him the ultimate learning experience, a divine vision.

God used the object lesson of the kosher laws. Peter was hungry and God laid out a spread for him... of entirely unkosher food. Gotta love pulled pork!

God told Peter to get up and tuck in. Three times. Three times Peter said, "No, Lord, I couldn't." Finally God said, "What I have made holy, don't you DARE call unholy." (Revised D-- Version)

Immediately a cadre appeared at the door asking for Peter to come minister to a Roman army leader.

Peter did. He learned his lesson.

Have I learned mine? All these years later... a refugee from the hyper-critical "bastions of truth", of fundamentalism, of arrogant positivism?

The reason for this diatribe? Don Imus. Reading a report of his return to the radio and his reaction to the time of his exile. He criticized his so-called friends that savaged him. He spoke highly of Al Sharpton.

"I'd rather be in a foxhole with Al Sharpton than a lot of my so-called friends."

Sharpton extended an invitation to Imus and had him on his (Sharpton's) radio broadcast.

Sharpton is a minister who claims Jesus. I don't know if he does, but I know this, his attitude of forgiveness was more Christ-like than most you'll see.

Jesus accepts all who come to Him in repentance. Do I?


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