Friday, January 25, 2008

Huckabee is THE Conservative ...

I am a Huck-a-Fan. I've made that clear. I'm still working for the campaign, making phone calls whenever I can.

Huckabee won me over with his fresh application of Conservatism. I've been reviled as a Liberal in my own town because I supported teacher salary increases. I've written in support of tax increases.

And I stand by my tax increase stands. OVERALL taxes need to decrease. But when roads are deteriorating, when schools are falling apart, it takes MONEY to fix those things. SOMETIMES CONSERVATIVES ARE MOST CONSERVATIVE WHEN THEY SUPPORT A TAX INCREASE.

After all, Conservatives are not anarchists. We believe in less intrusion and less government. But most Conservatives SUPPORT good roads and bridges as indispensable to the Free Market Economy. And MOST Conservatives believe ONLY government is in a position to do this kind of building.

I AM a Conservative. The guiding principles in my political world view are self-sufficiency and small government. But as in anything, the Conservatives of the past believe THEIR conservatism is the only way.

Like the Princess and the Pea, the only thing that underlying principle works its way out into real living. Being hidebound to the past, rigid and inflexible, loses elections, stifles economies, locks out good ideas, strips the political discourse of the value of the underlying principles.

This is why I support Huckabee even through the complaints that he is a Liberal in Sheep's Clothing. He isn't, I'm convinced of it, and here's an article from The Conservative Voicethat states it just the same way... Please take a look and see what you think:

Huckabee: The New Face of Conservatism?



Fleeting_Thoughts said...
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Dave Nichols said...
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Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Hilarious dude! You're right, religion is the reason you shouldn't vote for a candidate.

I support Article VI of the constitution. I am a Christian. And don't think that just because Romney is a Mormon eliminates him from the running.

Check out Evangelicals for Mitt

But hey, delete my comment since you don't agree with me. And I wasn't bitter dude. I just don't think McCain is going to elect conservative federal judges - that guys record is more and more liberal.

Best of luck to you and your political views.

Dave Nichols said...

... Apologies if I was too rough ... I took a lot of hits like this one when I spoke at the caucuses on behalf of Huckabee up in Maine ... it's nasty out there ...

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

No worries. Great job speaking in Maine! It's beautiful country. I wish you the best.

Dave Nichols said...

Fleeting ...

Once again, the more I think about the more I see I was thin-skinned and wrong. Please feel free to post your message again and I will clear off this comment stream and leave it standing as you left it.

I'd like to know more about who you are and how you found my blog.

Thanks for being forgiving!



Fleeting_Thoughts said...

No worries, I can't find it. I appreciate you're invovlement in politics. I enjoy the debates about where America should be headed, but it gets tough when people don't respect each other.

I think I found your site through browsing. I like to see what people are thinking. It's interesting to go to the comments section and then you can go from blog to blog and seeing how the blogosphere is connected. Kinda fun.

I hope you have a great day.