Monday, September 05, 2005

Kid Stuff...

Long day. Another long day on top of a long day.

I love these quiet night times. Of course it's too late. It's always too late!

At night I bring the laptop up to my two youngest's room. I sit there (loving wireless), surfing, thinking, answering questions, listening to music (loving streamed music).

Right now it's Chris Rice. Oooops, made a mistake tonight. Funky jazz isn't quite relaxing. "Daddy, I don't know why I can't go to sleep."

Ooops, made another mistake. Country isn't quite relaxing. Gotta love JoDee Messina though!

Daddy, we're poor.

How funny perspective is. They know how tight things are right now... That we're living without cable (GASP!). I keep telling them how MUCH we have. Lights. Heat and cool. We just had a killer veggy soup for dinner made almost entirely with veggies from our garden.

How blessed we are!

Our tummies are full. Our hearts are full. Our heads are cradled.

Sometimes I'm so grateful for this lean time. It shows more than the fat times just how wealthy we are.


Darin said...

I'm thankful you are writing. A couple of Sundays ago a friend reminded me: "Life is hard, but God is good." Your journaling here chronicals the experiences shared by many of us on this journey, and learning the reminder of my friend is so true. Thanks for your transparency. I'll keep visiting.

Dave Nichols said...

Darin, thanks. Your blog over at ccnh got me off the dime to do this. I'm glad we're an encouragement to each other.

And speaking of Christ's Church... I'm so VERY thankful to God for bringing us there. To find an oasis populated by fellow travellers (NO, not the Communist "Fellow Travellers" of my folks' anti-communist rants :) )... So many things to say, but if I say them here, I'll use up a future blog!

Darin, you are a continual blessing, as are all of you at the "Little country church on the edge of ... Amherst."

Oh, and the BIGGEST blessing! After nearly 15 years of living in New Hampshire, I've FINALLY clicked on the backroads from Merrimack to Amherst and Bedford!

Ya CAN get theyah from heyah!