Thursday, September 01, 2005

Glimpses of a life in question -- He's not a tame lion

Well this isn't the life I planned.

I'm 47, divorcing, I'm a single dad.

I was the one who wrote the seminary position papers that divorce was never allowed for anything except terminal marital unfaithfulness. How different things look when life is lived.

I struggle at work, trying to survive in a confused and confusing realm, where position and prestige trump work and creativity. I work so far out of my realm of excellence I keep forgetting that once I was a contender.

Dazed and battered, I keep trying to follow Jesus. Sometimes He seems so far off.

I'm going to try to keep some record here of this time. I'll be as transparent as is prudent. Mostly this is for me, because I love to write and writing is like an exhausting workout. Something changes in the process.


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