Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Orleans and New Hampshire...


This site is an oral history of what happened in New Orleans. This particular post talks of one man's efforts to protect his family and the horrific rumors that were flying through the New Orleans Convention Center.

The thing that struck me was this:

“Today I asked my twelve-year daughter if she remembered what happened in New Orleans.” He said she answered “Yes Daddy, I remember all of it.” and they held each other and cried.

OHHhhhhh my.

I had a conversation like that last night with my second, my 14 yo daughter.

Last night was a bad night for me, the worst in a couple of weeks of difficult times. My stomach has moved to a bad place, and last night it was at its worst. ON top of that, I don't have answers for questions which are pressing in on me.

She looked at me and asked if I was ok. "Have you ever felt like there was nothing but questions you couldn't answer?"

"Yeah, Dad, it's worst at night. At night I just can't shut out the problems anymore."

Her problems are expressed in terms of school, but I wonder how many of the OTHER struggles she's not talking about are coming from our mess of a family situation.

I have been at times over the last couple of days to the place where ... I couldn't. I could no longer try to patch, fix, repair. The levees are broke beyond broke. I am beyond that which I am able to bear. I am NOT functioning right. The house is falling apart. WE are starting to come apart as a family.

And I can't pull it together.


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