A decent man. A good man.
I have just finished an outstanding book, Write it When I'm Gone. It is the work of former Newsweek political correspondent Thomas DeFrank.
DeFrank was assigned to Gerald Ford when Ford was made Nixon's VP. The Newsweek editors rightly thought Nixon wasn't going to last long and they wanted a reporter who could become trusted with Ford.
DeFrank not only became trusted by Ford, but became a friend and later a confidant. Ford agreed to regular interviews in the years after his presidency with the caveat that the contents would not be divulged until after his death.
What a walk down memory lane. What a great reflection on a man who served his country in the toughest post... patching together a torn and battered land.
Thank you, Jerry Ford. Thank you for holding us together, for being the stable, calm helmsman for our battered ship of state.
A good reminder that we can't alwasy predict our path, but that character and courage shine best in darkness.
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