It was a great Thanksgiving. Got to see my eldest... Got to fix turkey dinner in a tiny kitchen in a big apartment.
Had a great time... In DC. In a place where everywhere we turned, politics was there to remind us.
And we had an amazing event. The picture is attached. I can't talk much about it now, but will in a couple of weeks... Still, this is a great system of government where our leaders are still reachable.
thats so awesome!!!
i had a blast when I went to D.C. in may, but unlike you i took my pic with a cardboard cutout of Bush. That's awesome!
ps: when you update us on this mysterious event, i wanna know about what the chain is for
basically they were being held as prisoners for trying to break into Bush's office... this is the picture where President Bush was identifying them after they had been frisked for weapons... :-)
Love ~G
gosh d... what happened to you???
Love ~G
Gosh D,
What happened to you? It has been four months since your last blog session.....
Can't wait to hear about the DC trip!
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